6 features to look for a Good Hospice Program : Most people are referred to hospice by their doctor. Patients, family members, even friends can also make referrals. If you’re looking for a program, check with the National Hospice and Palliative Care Organization. But beware: More than half of U.S. hospice programs are for-profit, according to Medicare figures, and several recent news reports have highlighted problems at some of those programs.
Here’s what we think you should look for in a hospice program:
- Not-for-profit status and 20 or more years of experience.
- Hospice-certified nurses and doctors on staff and available 24 hours per day.
- Palliative-care consultants who can begin care if you’re not yet ready for hospice.
- An inpatient unit, where patients can go if symptoms can’t be managed at home.
- Ability to provide care in nursing homes and assisted living residences.
- Medicare approval. That way, Medicare will cover services, including equipment and home health aides as needed, plus counseling and grief support for the patient and the family.
break : 6 features to look for a Good Hospice Program.