The proceedings volumes have been the volunteer work of a series of editors: Albert K. Steigerwalt edited the 1962Proceedings; J. V. Fenstermaker edited the 1965 volume. There was no editor indicated on the Proceedings of the 1967 conference published by the University of Western Ontario, though internal evidence suggests that Richard C. Overton served in that role. Fred Bateman and James D. Foust edited the 1968 proceedings. Charles J. Kennedy edited the proceedings of the conference held in 1969. This was published simultaneously in the Nebraska Journal of Economics and Business, 8, no. 3 (Summer 1969). Louis P. Cain edited the 1972 proceedings, which carried a publication date of 1973 and which began the Second Series. Allen L. Dickes edited the 1973 proceedings, and Herman E. Krooss edited the 1974 volume, which carries a publication date of 1975. Paul Uselding was responsible for establishing the current format of the journal and for assuring its regular appearance. He edited Business and Economic History from 1975 through 1980. Jeremy Atack was responsible for greatly enhancing the technical quality of the journal, which he edited from 1981 through 1987. William J. Hausman edited the journal from 1988 to 1998 and was responsible for the addition of a second issue each year; Roger Horowitz edited the 1999 volume.
With the founding of Enterprise & Society, the Business History Conference's quarterly scholarly journal, a variety of proposals were put forward for the handling of proceedings materials; for the first four years of Enterprise & Society(2000-2003), that journal contained the Presidential Address, Krooss Dissertation Session essays, and abstracts of the conference papers. Beginning with the 2003 meeting, all submitted abstracts and revised papers from the annual meeting can be found in BEH On-Line, which becomes the Web-based successor to the printed Business and Economic History. Presidential addresses and Krooss Dissertation Session summaries continue to appear in Enterprise & Society.